
Standard Tests

WP Acceptance contains a number of standard tests. You can invoke the standard tests your own to quickly create a powerful testing library for your WordPress application. Here's an example:

class StandardTests extends \WPAcceptance\PHPUnit\TestCase {

     * @testdox I see required HTML tags on front end.
    public function testRequiredHTMLTagsOnFrontEnd() {

     * @testdox I can log in.
    public function testLogin() {

     * @testdox I see the admin bar
    public function testAdminBarOnFront() {

     * @testdox I can save my profile
    public function testProfileSave() {

     * @testdox I can install a plugin
    public function testInstallPlugin() {

     * @testdox I can change the site title
    public function testChangeSiteTitle() {


Test post publishing

This test creates a post and makes sure it's published.

 * @testdox I am able to publish a post pre-gutenberg.
function testPostPublish() {
    $I = $this->openBrowserPage();


    $I->moveTo( 'wp-admin/post-new.php' );

    $I->click( '.nux-dot-tip__disable' );

    $I->typeInField( '#post-title-0', 'Test' );

    usleep( 100 );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.editor-post-publish-panel__toggle' );

    $I->waitUntilElementEnabled( '.editor-post-publish-panel__toggle' );

    $I->click( '.editor-post-publish-panel__toggle' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.editor-post-publish-button' );

    $I->waitUntilElementEnabled( '.editor-post-publish-button' );

    $I->click( '.editor-post-publish-button' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.components-notice' );

    $I->seeText( 'Post published', '.components-notice__content' );

This test tests adding media to a post and setting it as the featured image:

 * @testdox I am able to attach a featured image to a post.
function testFeaturedImage() {
    $I = $this->openBrowserPage();


    $I->moveTo( 'wp-admin/post-new.php' );

    $I->click( '.nux-dot-tip__disable' );

    $I->typeInField( '#post-title-0', 'Test Post Image' );

    $elements = $I->getElements( '.components-panel__body-toggle' );

    foreach ( $elements as $element ) {
        $I->click( $element );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.editor-post-featured-image__toggle' );

    $I->click( '.editor-post-featured-image__toggle' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.upload-ui' );

    $I->attachFile( '.media-modal-content input[type="file"]', __DIR__ . '/img/10up-logo.jpg' );

    $I->waitUntilElementEnabled( '.media-button-select' );

    $I->click( '.media-button-select' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.editor-post-publish-panel__toggle' );

    $I->waitUntilElementEnabled( '.editor-post-publish-panel__toggle' );

    $I->click( '.editor-post-publish-panel__toggle' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.editor-post-publish-button' );

    $I->waitUntilElementEnabled( '.editor-post-publish-button' );

    $I->click( '.editor-post-publish-button' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.components-notice' );

    $I->seeText( 'Post published', '.components-notice__content' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '.editor-post-featured-image img' );

    $I->seeElement( '.editor-post-featured-image img' );

Test that a post is showing the proper content on the front end

Here we actually look up a post in the database and make sure that it's proper title is displayed on the front end.

 * @testdox I see the proper post title displed on the front end.
function testPostDisplay() {
    $I = $this->openBrowserPage();

    $post = self::selectRowsWhere( [ 'ID' => 1 ], 'posts' );

    $I->moveTo( '/?p=1' ); // This will redirect to proper permalink

    $I->seeText( $post->post_title, 'h1.title' );

Test an update in the customizer

Here we update the site identity in the customizer and make sure the change is reflected.

 * @testdox I can update site identity in the customizer.
protected function testCustomizerCanUpdateIdentity() {
    $I = $this->openBrowserPage();


    $I->moveTo( 'wp-admin/customize.php' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '#customize-theme-controls' );

    $I->click( '#accordion-section-title_tagline' );

    $I->waitUntilElementVisible( '#_customize-input-blogname' );

    $I->typeInField( '#_customize-input-blogname', 'New Site Name' );

    $I->typeInField( '#_customize-input-blogdescription', 'New tagline' );

    $I->waitUntilPropertyContains( 'New tagline', '#_customize-input-blogdescription', 'value' );

    $I->waitUntilPropertyContains( 'New Site Name', '#_customize-input-blogname', 'value' );

    $I->waitUntilElementEnabled( '#save' );

    $I->click( '#save' );

    $I->waitUntilPropertyContains( 'Published', '#save', 'value' );

    $I->moveTo( 'wp-admin/options-general.php' );

    $I->seeValueInAttribute( '#blogname', 'value', 'New Site Name' );

    $I->seeValueInAttribute( '#blogdescription', 'value', 'New tagline' );